Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data di uscita : 20/09/2016

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Discover your Killer Instinct! Play the legendary fighting game with stunning 60FPS visuals, over-the-top action, a wild cast of combatants, rocking reactive music, and C-C-C-COMBO BREAKERS!


• Includes all 26 characters from Seasons 1-3, including Shadow Jago, Rash from Battletoads, Arbiter from Halo and General RAAM from Gears of War

• 20 stages with intense stage destruction

• Killer Instinct Classic 1 & 2 for Xbox One

• Explore the lore, characters and history of Killer Instinct with all-new behind-the-scenes videos, trailers and art

• All the music of Killer Instinct, including Killer Cuts

• Competitive online multiplayer matches with state-of-the-art fighting game netcode

• Test your skill online in Monthly Ranked Leagues

• Cinematic story modes

• Extensive Dojo tutorial teaches all the core mechanics for Killer Instinct

• Train an AI combatant and challenges your friends to asynchronous matches in Shadow Lab

Xbox Live Features:

• Play Anywhere with online multiplayer Cross Play with Windows 10 and Cloud Save between Xbox One and Windows 10

• Killer Instinct includes rich Xbox Live features like Achievements, Game DVR, Leaderboards and more

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista dei DLC disponibili per Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition

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Lista degli articoli inclusi in Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition


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