Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2-5 Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data di uscita : 27/09/2018
  • Action & Adventure

Guarda i prezzi di Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2-5 Bundle

Questo gioco non viene aggiornato da 96h ore. Aggiornamento del prezzo in corso
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The two brothers continue their journey on the road into the winter months and struggle against the cold. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean’s concern for his younger brother increases and decides the pair of them must make their way to their distant grandparents' house to recover and seek shelter.

During their stay, they encounter next-door neighbour Chris, a young boy the same age as Daniel who believes he is a super-hero by the name of Captain Spirit.

As Daniel and Chris begin to form a friendship, Sean insists on Daniel following a set of rules around his power. Will Daniel keep his power concealed or break the rules in a time of need?

- Episodes 2-5 bundle and Episodes 2 to 5 require Episode 1 to play.
- Episodes 2 to 5 are also available for individual purchase.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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