Sker Ritual - Siren's Song

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data di uscita : 18/04/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter

Guarda i prezzi di Sker Ritual - Siren's Song

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Hear her call! The Siren’s Song is a brand new DLC cosmetic pack for Sker Ritual!

This pack includes 4 new items:
Siren Mask - An Exclusive Premium Mask of the alluring Siren
Bird’s Nest - An Exclusive Premium Animated Menu Background of the Bird’s Nest
Siren’s Call - An Exclusive In-Game Voice Line to lure long lost sailors and friends to their maddening doom.
Siren Emblem - An Exclusive Siren Emblem Player Icon capture the attention of your prey

(Source :

Sker Ritual - Siren's Song è un DLC compatibile con questi giochi

Bundle che includono questo articolo

Sker Ritual - Siren's Song è disponibile in questi bundle


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