1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data wydania : 25/04/2017
  • Strategy, Simulation
  • 0.10 Go

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Zobacz ceny Additional BGM - "RTK12" Set

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36 songs from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12" will be added.

▼To Use
Use "Change BGM" in "Settings" to change the music to songs from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12".

▼Additional BGM
Beginnings/Taking Root/Hebei Theme/Zhongyuan Theme/Xibei Theme/The Art of Enticement/Battle of Hebei/Battle of Zhongyuan/Battle of Xibei/Wei Theme/ Shu Theme/Wu Theme/Lu Bu Theme/Lord's Theme/Life or Death/Confrontations/A Moment of Quiet/Beyond the Fighting/Dignity/Friends of the Heart/Heralding the Storm/Transient Lives/A Gust of Wind/Schemes/In the Gentle Light/A Ray of Light/Heaven's End/Wuyue Theme/Jingchu Theme/Bashu Theme/Battle of Wuyue/Battle of Jingchu/Battle of Bashu/After Much Time/The Time has Come/Fell Designs

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Additional BGM - "RTK12" Set to dodatek który działa z tą grą


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