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  • Data wydania : 13/12/2016
  • Fighting

Zobacz ceny DOA5LR AQUAPLUS Mashup Set

Gra nie była aktualizowana od 96h temu. Trwa aktualizacja ceny.
Sklep Cena Zniżka Przelicz Link


The sale of this content will be discontinued after December 12th, 2020.
You will still be able to continue to use the content you have already purchased.

This is a costume set for the characters of DOA5LR featuring the AQUAPLUS Collaboration Costumes.
This set includes all 16 of the costumes. You can save money over buying them individually.
- These costumes are destructible.

This set contains costumes for the following characters:
Kasumi, Ayane, Marie Rose, Honoka, Nyotengu, Phase 4, Tina, Helena, Momiji, Kokoro, Hitomi, Leifang, Christie, Rachel, Hayate, and Hayabusa.

*You must have the latest update installed in order to use this content.
*You must purchase the necessary characters before using this content.

(Source :

DOA5LR AQUAPLUS Mashup Set to dodatek który działa z tą grą


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