Darksiders Genesis Pre Order Bundle

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  • Games
  • Data wydania : 13/02/2020

Zobacz ceny Darksiders Genesis Pre Order Bundle

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Get Rampage (for War) and Despair (for Strife), two different in-game horse skins for both playable characters plus the standard version of Darksiders Genesis, plus 24 hours early access to the game.
Ride Rampage and Despair for the first time in Darksiders Genesis. Strife and War can mount their siblings' apocalyptic warhorses. Fury and Death gladly lent their steeds to support their 2 brethren in their endeavour to "restore the balance" (read: kick some filthy Demon's butt).

DARKSIDERS: GENESIS is an action/adventure that tears its way through Hell and back with guns blazing and swords swinging. Genesis gives players their first look at the world of DARKSIDERS before the events of the original game. Furthermore, it introduces the fourth and last horseman STRIFE, as well as Co-op gameplay for the first time in the history of the franchise.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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