Fortnite - Mainframe Throwback Quest Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data wydania : 28/09/2023
  • Action & Adventure

Zobacz ceny Fortnite - Mainframe Throwback Quest Pack

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Zoe's rocking her retro fit but always ready to log back into the Mainframe. Complete Quests to earn V-Bucks with the Mainframe Throwback Quest Pack. Includes:

- Retro Zoe Clash Outfit
- Sgt. Lapin Back Bling
- Bzzt! Blades Pickaxe
- Mainframe Throwback Quest Bundle: Unlock up to 1,000 V-Bucks as you complete Quests

V-Bucks are in-game currency that can be spent in Fortnite. You can purchase new customization items like Outfits, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes, Wraps and the latest season's Battle Pass!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Fortnite - Mainframe Throwback Quest Pack to dodatek który działa z tą grą


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