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  • AddOns
  • Data wydania : 25/06/2019
  • Action & Adventure
  • 2.96 Go

Zobacz ceny HITMAN™ 2 - New York

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HITMAN 2 - New York is a new sandbox location that takes Agent 47 to the New York branch of the Milton-Fitzpatrick investment bank. Wear new disguises and use new items to complete the mission and earn new unlocks that can be used in all locations.

Agent 47's mission at the bank takes place on a rainy day in New York where an investigation at the bank is in full swing. He must follow the money and eliminate the bank's director to complete his objectives.

Included in Expansion Pack 1 and Expansion Pass. Requires the full version of HITMAN 2.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

HITMAN™ 2 - New York to dodatek który działa z tą grą


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