1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data wydania : 29/07/2019
  • Action & Adventure
  • 1.82 Go

Zobacz ceny HITMAN™ 2 - Siberia

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HITMAN 2 - Siberia is a new map for the Sniper Assassin game mode that takes you to a secluded and snowcovered prison facility in Northern Russia. Equip your rifle, eliminate your targets and then start a prison riot to cover your tracks!

Complete challenges to earn score multipliers and perfect your playthrough to top the leaderboard. The Sniper Assassin game mode allows you to play solo as Agent 47 or online co-op as either Stone or Knight.

Included in Expansion Pass. Requires the full version of HITMAN 2.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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