HITMAN™ - Summer Pack

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  • Games
  • Data wydania : 17/07/2018

Zobacz ceny HITMAN™ - Summer Pack

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** Available for a Limited Time Only **

Welcome to Marrakesh, Morocco! A city of contrasts where old meets new.
Download the HITMAN Summer Pack and experience everything from Episode 3, including the campaign mission, Escalation Contracts, 20 levels of location mastery and 120+ challenges!

You’ll also get full access to everything included in the ‘ICA Facility’ location.

The Summer Pack includes:
- 3 Campaign missions, including all cut-scenes
- 8 Escalation Contracts
- 120+ Challenges
- 24 Achievements

Note: Game access lasts for the Summer Pack period, but your saved progress will transfer to the full game, if purchased.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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