Minecraft Master Collection

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data wydania : 16/04/2018

Zobacz ceny Minecraft Master Collection

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Create anything you can imagine. Explore the mighty mountains and living oceans of infinite worlds, expanded further by free game updates, amazing community-made maps, servers, thrilling minigames and more! Survive online with friends on console, mobile, and Windows 10, or share the adventure at home in split-screen multiplayer. This collection includes the Minecraft base game, 1000 Minecoins, Starter Pack DLC and Creators Pack DLC.
● 1,000 MINECOINS. Use them to get maps, skins, textures packs and more from the in-game Marketplace!
● STARTER PACK: Greek Mythology Mash-up, Plastic Texture Pack, Skin Pack 1, and Villains Skin Pack
● CREATORS PACK: Adventurer’s Dream Mashup and Winter Mini-Games Festival by Noxcrew, Relics of the Privateers by Imagiverse, PureBDcraft Texture Pack by BDcraft, Pastel Skin Pack by Eneija, and Wildlife: Savanna by PixelHeads

REDEMPTION INSTRUCTIONS: To redeem your Minecoin and content, you must log in to Minecraft with your Microsoft Account on the game home screen and visit in the in-game Store.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista DLC dostępna dla Minecraft Master Collection

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