Overwatch® Legendary + 5 Loot Boxes

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  • Data wydania : 27/04/2022
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Zobacz ceny Overwatch® Legendary + 5 Loot Boxes

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Want to amp up your cosmetic collection? This special bundle includes one Legendary Loot Box and five bonus Classic Loot Boxes. Limit 1 purchase per account.*

The Legendary Loot Box comes with at least one guaranteed legendary item and may contain loot from any past seasonal events or other classic content. Every Classic Loot Box contains up to four cosmetic items, including at least one classic skin, spray, highlight intro, emote, victory pose, player icon, or voice line.

If your Loot Box contains an item that is already in your collection, you will instead receive in-game credits that you can use to acquire many customization options.

*Overwatch in-game content; requires Overwatch

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Overwatch® Legendary + 5 Loot Boxes to dodatek który działa z tą grą


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