Pinball FX3 - Medieval Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data wydania : 26/09/2017

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Historia ceny

Cena (EUR)


Knights are the order of the day in the original and exciting Medieval Pack from Zen Studios!

Included in the two-table pack are "Epic Quest" and "Excalibur."

- The enthusiastic knight Max travels once more to defeat evil monsters, rescue the wealthy princess, and look for restitution in the way of valuable loot. Surely an Epic Quest if ever there was one!

- The legend of Excalibur reveals the path to become a renowned and noble knight of King Arthur. Start Merlin's Magical Multiball or duel with other knights in Camelot - a seat at the round table awaits the victor.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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