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  • Data wydania : 15/09/2020

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Zobacz ceny Pre-Order: eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE STANDARD EDITION

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To mi bardzo pomaga i nie będziesz musiał ponosić dodatkowych kosztów. Dziękuję Ci !


Please note that the latest data for certain licensed leagues and teams will only be available via an update post-release. You will need an internet connection in order to download this update. See the official website for more information.

*Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, certain real-world soccer leagues and/or tournaments may undergo sudden regulation changes. As a result, there is a chance that in-game regulations may not perfectly match their real life counterparts. Other changes that impact leagues and tournaments may also be implemented in future updates without prior notice.

Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* - available at a special anniversary price!

*This product is an updated edition of eFootball PES 2020 (launched in September, 2019) containing the latest player data and club rosters. Please note that some leagues will have their rosters updated post-release.

Preorder the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update now to receive exclusive content:
• L. MESSI (Loan)
*There are also several Club Editions available for preorder. Check the official eFootball PES 2021 Season Update website for details on each edition of the game.
*Preorder content is subject to change without prior notice.
*Preorder content can only be redeemed once, even if multiple editions of the game are preordered.

Purchase this version of the game and receive the following myClub content:
• 3 Player Contract Tickets x 10 weeks
• Premium Agent x 10 weeks
*Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.

It also contains the following purchase bonus:
• 2,000 myClub Coins

*The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus, and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.

*There are also several Club Editions available for pre-order. Check the official eFootball PES 2021 Season Update website for more information on each edition of the game.

Product Overview
The eFootball PES 2021 Season Update features the same award winning gameplay as last year’s eFootball PES 2020 along with various team and player updates for the new season. Also comes with the UEFA EURO 2020 mode - all at a special anniversary price!

・The Biggest Clubs
Play with the biggest teams in world soccer; including German champions FC Bayern München, Spanish champions FC Barcelona, global giants Manchester United, and exclusive PES partner Juventus!

Create your very own dream team from scratch and face off against human rivals from all over the world.

Compete in online PvP events themed after real-life soccer rivalries and other big matches.

・Master League
Take the helm of a soccer club and lead them to the top in this engrossing single player mode.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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Lista zwartych rzeczy Pre-Order: eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE STANDARD EDITION


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