Train Sim World® 3: Deluxe Edition

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data wydania : 06/09/2022

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Gra nie była aktualizowana od 96h temu. Trwa aktualizacja ceny.

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To mi bardzo pomaga i nie będziesz musiał ponosić dodatkowych kosztów. Dziękuję Ci !


Master more machines with Train Sim World 3: Deluxe Edition

RAW POWER - Haul containers through Cajon Pass with the ES44C4. Experience 280 km/h in the ICE 1 between Kassel and Würzburg. Drive the Britain’s fastest train, the Class 395, out of London. Step back in time to 1950s steam and discover the Jubilee Class.

EXTREME WEATHER - New volumetric skies bring a transformed atmosphere to routes. Lightning dances among intense storms, the roar of thunder competing with the sound of machinery. Wind hammers the side of your train. Feel total immersion as you learn the art of defensive driving to stay in control.

YOUR HOBBY - Experience multiple trains per route. Expand that further by customising your own scenarios and liveries, then share on the Creators Club. Your collection also comes with you. All Train Sim World 2 content is available to play in Train Sim World 3.

Downloading Train Sim World 3 on PC? Head here for instructions on how to download the routes that come with Standard, Deluxe, or Starter Editions: https://bit.ly/TSW3GetYourRoutes

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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