theHunter™: Call of the Wild - Reserve Bundle

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  • Data wydania : 19/12/2018

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Step into a vast and stunning open world filled with life, from the stalking puma, majestic deer, ghost-like lynx, and awe-inspiring cape buffalo, down to the countless birds, critters and insects of the wilderness. Stretching over an impressive 125-square miles (320 square kilometers), the world is crafted using the award-winning APEX engine to bring the world to life. In addition to the original content of theHunter: Call of the Wild, the Reserve Bundle will also includes the frozen and harsh Medved-Taiga reserve, the rolling grasslands of the Vurhonga Savanna reserve and the lush hills of Parque Fernando.

Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve, Base Game - Located in the heart of Europe, Hirschfelden is an expansive area predominantly covered in a mix of deciduous beech and aspen forests surrounding rolling hills and farmlands. The western parts of the reserve contain more challenging hunting grounds along mountain slopes and deep spruce forests. Hirschfelden Hunting Reserve is home to the fallow deer, the wild boar, the roe deer, the European Bison, the red deer, the red fox and the canada goose.

Layton Lake District, Base Game - Providing hunters from all over the world with a taste of the untamed wild, Layton Lake District is located in the Pacific Northwest and here you will experience rocky mountain slopes, aspen, larch and spruce forests, with marshlands in between. Plan your hunting trip carefully before taking on some of the most sought-after game like moose, the black bear, the Roosevelt elk, the whitetail deer, the coyote, the blacktail deer and the jackrabbit.

Medved-Taiga National Park, DLC - Inspired by the harsh, frozen landscape of Siberia, you’ll traverse the unforgiving tundra, enter into the drunken forests and venture out on the frozen bay. The majestic Moose travels these plains, as does the fierce Brown Bear. Perhaps most unique of all - hunters in this reserve will face the highly intelligent and ghost-like Lynx.

Parque Fernando, DLC - Roam through the gnarled snags of the dead forest, wander the steppes and lupine meadows in search of game, or make your way to the tranquil lakes that pepper the park, as you help turn otherwise wild slice of Patagonia into world class hunting grounds. Keep an eye out for a stalking or hunting Puma, or spot a vibrant Cinnamon Teal taking flight as you make your way across the reserve. Not to mention the fact that the park nourishes some the biggest, most exquisite bucks you’ll ever hunt, like the Mule Deer, Red Deer and Axis Deer. Only time will tell if you can turn the reserve into a hunter’s paradise.

Vurhonga Savanna, DLC - Cross the scrublands, discover the riverlands and venture out into the lush savanna as you assume the role of a Warden and protect the lands from poachers and other potential misfortunes. Watch the Blue Wildebeest herds passing, catch a Springbok pronking, Warthogs grazing by the waterholes and keep a close look out for the respected and feared widowmaker, the Cape Buffalo. Opportunities like this are few and far between, so pack your suitcase - Africa is calling!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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