How get Destiny 2 for 54$ !


Here’s a tutorial to buy Destiny 2 for 54 $ USD.

It’s very simple, looking at the price page for Destiny : HERE.
It can be seen that it’s currently at $ 59.99 USD on the US Store.

This is good because there are $ 60 USD Gift Cards on Amazon, and in addition they can get $ 54 USD insteand of 60!

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to the Gift Card page: Amazon US GiftCard, and check that the $ 60 gift card is still available.
  2. Then log in to your Amazon US Account, or create one if you haven’t already done so.
  3. After that, add $ 54 to your Amazon Account, here : Your Account > Managing Your Balance > Reload your Balance.
    They may ask you for an address! Put in a US Address. For my part, I put that of a hotel in Alaska: 813 Noble St, Fairbanks, AK, 99701, United States of America
  4. Once you have your $ 54 on your Amazon account, you will only have to buy the gift card!

They will ask you for a credit card, it’s normal 🙂
Here is a capture of the last stage of the basket:

Amazon Gift Card Checkout


Your order may be in “Pending Verification”, it’s normal, just wait a little.

Personally, i have wait 10 minutes.

You will then receive the gift card by e-mail.
Once received, just follow this tutorial to buy Destiny 2 for $ 54 😉


Warning ! During the purchase of the game, put an address in Alaska (the one already present in this article) to get 0 taxes!

Um comentário em “How get Destiny 2 for 54$ !”

  1. Pedro says:

    thanks.just done that!

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