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FIFA 23 : Purchase Guide

FIFA 23 : Purchase Guide

The new FIFA 23 is released very soon! And I recommend you the US or Brazilian stores for this game 😉


The standard Edition

If you pre-order the Standard version, you will be able to play it from September 30th 2022
With these bonuses :

– Untradeable FUT Team of the Week 1 Player
– Kylian Mbappé Loan Item, for 5 FUT matches
– FUT Ambassador Loan Player Pick, for 3 FUT matches
– Career Mode Homegrown Talent, local youth prospect with world-class potential


Price Store USA


Brazilian Store Price


The Ultimate Edition

For those who want to play FIFA 23 in advance, there is the Ultimate Edition.
By pre-ordering this one, you will be able to play from September 27, 2022, that is to say 3 days before!

And you get these extra bonuses compared to the standard version:

– 4600 FIFA Points
– Three Days Early Access, start playing FIFA 23 on September 27
– Untradeable FUT Ones to Watch item on September 30


Price Store USA


Brazilian Store Price



As you can see, the USA store coupled with EA Play is the most interesting!
64,75€ for the Standard version, and 78,90€ for the Ultimate version

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