1. Games
  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 07/09/2021
  • Racing & Flying, Strategy, Simulation, Family & kids
  • 10.21 Go

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Histórico de preço

Preço (EUR)
Jan 2022
Jan 2023
Jan 2024
Jan 2025


It's your stop! Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop is here! Enjoy many game improvements and a brand-new game mode with this comprehensive update. There is now also a dedicated Xbox Series S|X version with improved graphics and other optimizations.

Career Mode combines Sandbox Mode with the campaign's economic system. You have access to all the bus stops and bus models right from the start of the game and don't have to unlock everything gradually by completing missions.

In addition to the Next Stop update, the free, official map extension DLC is coming to the Microsoft Store. Look forward to a new area in the north of the ""Angel Shores"" US map. Get the free DLC now and expand your gameplay!

Also available for the first time is a dedicated Xbox Series S|X version that comes together with the Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop update – including improved graphics and more. The Xbox Series S|X upgrade is available free to owners of the Xbox One version of the game!

This major update adds a brand-new career mode to the game.

Includes bug fixes and game improvements for smoother gameplay.

Free Xbox Series S|X upgrade and enhancements.

Next Stop comes with an optional free map extension DLC with lots of new tasks for owners of the main game – get it now on the Microsoft Store!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista de DLC disponível por Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop

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