  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 23/07/2024
  • Action & Adventure
  • 0.32 Go

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CONSCRIPT is an upcoming survival horror game inspired by classics of the genre - set in 1916 during the Great War. CONSCRIPT will blend all the punishing mechanics of older horror games into a cohesive, tense, and unique experience.

In CONSCRIPT, you play as a French soldier searching for his missing-in-action brother during the Battle of Verdun. Will you be able to search twisted trenches, navigate overrun forts, and cross no-mans-land to find him, and ensure a home goes unbroken?

Experience classic and methodical survival horror gameplay in a unique historical setting: the Battle of Verdun.
Highly re-playable with various difficulty settings, multiple endings, unlockable costumes and bonus weapons.

Fend off a variety of enemy soldiers and combatants with a variety of WW1 melee weapons and firearms.

Survive in an intense, harrowing atmosphere boosted by a unique pixel art aesthetic and oppressive sound design.

Navigate intricate level design that promotes item management and route planning, whilst solving complex environmental puzzles.

Distinct WW1 themed areas that intertwine and overlap.

(Source :

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