DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires Deluxe Edition

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  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 30/12/9998

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Hong-Kong 968 $ (HKD)   118.96  
Japan 13750 ¥ (JPY)   87.73  
Taiwan 3390 NT$ (TWD)   98.96  
South Korea 131000 ₩ (KRW)   87.53  

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Engrave your life on the battlefield!
A new release for the "Empires" series, which allows users to enjoy both the thrill of one-versus-a-thousand action and the intricacy of country conquering simulation!

DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires points
■Command your armies freely! Exciting Castle Sieges!
Combat has evolved from the "Battles" of previous games into "Castle Sieges" that occur in the area around each castle. In an always changing environment, use devious planning and military might to enjoy this new style of battle where the biggest question is "What's the best way to take this castle?"

■Politics System, where an Officer's character and trust can strengthen the country.
In Politics, the choices of and the interactions between officers will determine the foundations of a force. Players are able to experience a variety of lifestyles, playing as Rulers, Generals, Unaffiliated officers, and more. Furthermore, an officers' interactions with other officers will help to strengthen the country they are a part of.

■Live dramatically! The evolved "Edit Mode".
The game includes the Edit Mode, a series favorite. Players can create their own Custom Officers from a wide range of parts.
With the 94 Musou Officers and over 700 Generic Officers that appear in DYNASTY WARRIORS 9, players can more dramatically populate their very own Dynasty Warriors experience.

The DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires Deluxe Edition is a set including the game and the following contents:
・Deluxe Edition items
- 6 Gems / 10 Custom Ancient Officers / 3 Additional Campaign Scenarios
・Season Pass
Allows one to obtain various additional contents as they are released. These DLC will be released periodically until APR 2022.
- Custom Parts Set (14 pieces) / 5 Additional Palaces
・Season Pass Bonus
- 4 Additional Military Units

Note: DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires is also being sold. Please confirm your product at time of purchase.
Note: Please see our website (https://www.koeitecmoeurope.com/dw9e/) for details on the contents and timing of the planned Season Pass DLC.
Note: The Season Pass and the DLC available with the Season Pass will also be sold separately. Please be careful not to inadvertently purchase an item multiple times.
Note: Only the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S are available in 4K resolution. 4K resolution is not available for Xbox One X or Xbox One S.
Note: Please note that some of the bonuses or included items might be released for separate purchase at a later date.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Lista de DLC disponível por DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires Deluxe Edition

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Lista de itens incluídos in DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Empires Deluxe Edition


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