Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Costume & BGM: Mega Man

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data de lançamento : 26/06/2024
  • Action & Adventure
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Ver preços de Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Costume & BGM: Mega Man

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Somente disponível em um pacote


In order to use this content, you need the main game (sold separately). Please make sure to update the game first if the latest patch is required.

This pack contains costumes for Frank, and BGM that can be played in the shopping mall.

Costume: Mega Man (Mega Man Battle Network)
BGM: "Running Through The Cyberworld" (Mega Man Battle Network)

*Costumes can be changed at the closet in the Security Room in the game.
*BGM can be changed via "Change Mall BGM" on the Options screen.

(Source :

Pacotes que possuem este item

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Costume & BGM: Mega Man está disponível nestes pacotes


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