Destiny 2: Season of the Risen Silver Bundle

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data de lançamento : 22/02/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter

Ver preços de Destiny 2: Season of the Risen Silver Bundle

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Purchase the Season of the Risen Silver Bundle and receive the 'Mental Manifestation' Legendary Emote along with 1700 Silver (1,000 + 700 bonus Silver) which you can use to purchase Season of the Risen, cosmetics, and more! Visit the Seasons tab in-game to use your Silver and buy Season of the Risen. To unlock your new Emote, speak with Master Rahool in the Tower.

Season of the Risen not included with purchase.

105 GB hard drive storage space required as of November 10, 2020. Subject to change. Requires broadband internet. After November 10, 2020 see www.destinythegame.com/size-requirements for current requirements prior to purchase.

Destiny 2 may contain flashing patterns and images that may produce adverse effects for a small percentage of people sensitive to them.

Bungie, Inc. makes no guarantee regarding the availability of online play or features and may modify or discontinue online services with reasonable notice at any time. Using the software constitutes acceptance of the Destiny Software License Agreement available at www.bungie.net/sla.

2022 Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie Logo are trademarks of Bungie, Inc. Published and distributed by Bungie, Inc.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Destiny 2: Season of the Risen Silver Bundle é uma DLC que funciona nestes jogos

Neste pacote

Lista de itens incluídos in Destiny 2: Season of the Risen Silver Bundle


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