1. Games
  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 06/03/2018
  • Action & Adventure
  • 7.29 Go

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Ver preços de Fear Effect Sedna

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Thrilling action and stealth gameplay enhanced by the Fear system, an exciting story and ultra-stylish cutscenes. Harness your team’s dynamic abilities to tackle enemies and puzzles like never before. This is the quintessential sequel for existing fans and a perfect starting point for newcomers.

• The Fear Effect: When your fear meter rises, you will be more susceptible to injury but will receive a boosted damage output and special abilities. Deny fear with stealth and strategy through the new isometric viewpoint and Tactical Pause feature.

• Enter the spirit realm: Encounter mystical forces of the Inuit and supernatural creatures of the spirit realm. Will you dare to face the unexpected?

• Cinematic cut scenes: Striking animated visuals bring life to a wild, engaging story and dynamic characters.

• An array of weapons and character abilities: From silenced pistols and defensive turrets to flamethrowers and monstrous transformations!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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