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  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 19/06/2023
  • Action & Adventure
  • 0.97 Go

Ver preços de METAL GEAR & METAL GEAR 2: Solid Snake

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Metal Gear
The first title in the METAL GEAR series, released in 1987. This praised game series was born from the idea of avoiding combat and infiltrating enemy territory undetected, a complete reversal of common action gameplay resulting in the creation of a brand-new game genre: stealth action.

Please note that certain parts of the game have been modified from the original for better payability and adjusted difficulty levels, while maintaining the gameplay as it was back then.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
This is the second title in the METAL GEAR series that establishes the basic mechanics of the series, such as crouching to avoid detection, intentionally attracting enemies by banging on walls, enemies reacting to Snake's footsteps, a radar to detect enemy locations, actions and movements.

It also depicts the motivations behind BIG BOSS' actions, the fate of soldiers with no nation left to fight for, and a complex narrative that has become an iconic characteristic of the series.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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METAL GEAR & METAL GEAR 2: Solid Snake está disponível nestes pacotes


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