Marvel's Avengers: Deluxe Edition

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  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 01/09/2020

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MTCGame 51.76 € (EUR)   51.76  



Pre-Order Marvel’s Avengers for Beta Access, 6 hero outfits, and an exclusive nameplate.

Marvel’s Avengers: Deluxe Edition includes the exclusive Obsidian Outfit pack for your Avengers, including Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Hulk, and Ms. Marvel, along with six exclusive Obsidian-themed nameplates to further customize your gameplay cosmetics. This edition includes 72-hour early access, play the game first 3 days early.

Marvel’s Avengers leverages the Smart Delivery technology - buy the game once and play it on either Xbox One beginning September 4th, 2020 or on Xbox Series X when both the console and next-gen version of Marvel’s Avengers are available.

*One-time online access required for single-player campaign; online access required for multiplayer and to download post-launch content. Platform-specific online subscription fee may be required. Beta release date(s), platform and region availability to be announced.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Neste pacote

Lista de itens incluídos in Marvel's Avengers: Deluxe Edition


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