Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Data de lançamento : 13/06/2021
  • Action & Adventure
  • 51.39 Go
Xbox Play Anywhere Xbox Series X|S Optimized Somente como pacote

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Digital download bonus:
- Social-Lord Outfit for Star-Lord (Early Unlock)

Fire up a wild ride across the cosmos with a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. In this third-person action-adventure game, you are Star-Lord, and thanks to your bold yet questionable leadership, you have persuaded an oddball crew of unlikely heroes to join you. Some jerk (surely not you) has set off a chain of catastrophic events, and only you can hold the unpredictable Guardians together long enough to fight off total interplanetary meltdown. Use Element Blasters, tag-team beat downs, jet boot-powered dropkicks, nothing’s off-limits. If you think it’s all going to plan, you’re in for a world of surprises, with the consequences of your actions guaranteed to keep the Guardians on their toes. In this original Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy story, you’ll cross paths with powerful new beings and unique takes on iconic characters, all caught in a struggle for the galaxy’s fate. It’s time to show the universe what you’re made of. You got this. Probably.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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