Onimusha 2: Orchestra Album Selection Pack

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  • Data de lançamento : 04/02/2025
  • Action & Adventure
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Get the Onimusha 2: Orchestra Album Selection Pack when you acquire Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. It includes five tracks selected from Onimusha 2 Orchestra Album Taro Iwashiro Selection by the lead music composer for the game, Taro Iwashiro. Immerse yourself in the world of Onimusha 2 in this beautiful orchestral arrangement.

Track List:
- Truth Of Brave ~Warring mix~
- Truth Of Resolution ~Oyu's Theme~
- Truth Of Edge ~Magoichi's Theme~
- Truth Of Loyalty ~Ekei's Theme~
- Truth Of Desire ~Kotaro's Theme~
*Select Special Features → Gallery → Original Soundtrack to access these tracks from the title-screen menu.

Also, get this pack of items to use in-game:
- Herb x3
- Medicine x2
- Secret Medicine x1
- Special Magic Liquid x2
- Perfect Medicine x1
- Talisman x1
- Red Soul x10,000

Please note that the content will appear after meeting Takajo when you select "New Game". If you have already met Takajo, the content will appear when you select "Load Game". You can only receive this item pack once.

ONIMUSHA is a trademark and/or registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD and/or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Pacotes que possuem este item

Onimusha 2: Orchestra Album Selection Pack está disponível nestes pacotes


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