Overwatch® 2 - 10000 (+5000 Bonus) Overwatch Coins - Limited Time!

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  • Data de lançamento : 09/07/2024
  • Shooter

Ver preços de Overwatch® 2 - 10000 (+5000 Bonus) Overwatch Coins - Limited Time!

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For a limited time, purchase 10000 Overwatch Coins and receive 5000 Bonus Overwatch Coins!*

One-time purchase promotion until August 19, 2024*

With your Overwatch Coins, you can buy the Premium Battle Pass and in-game cosmetics items to customize your heroes. Owners of the Premium Battle Pass can also use Overwatch Coins to unlock Tiers and instantly access Legendary and Mythic content.

Requires Overwatch 2.

*Bonus calculation based on MSRP of 1000 Overwatch Coins bundle. After promotion purchase or expiry, amount of Bonus Overwatch Coins in 10000 Overwatch Coins bundle will revert to 1600.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Overwatch® 2 - 10000 (+5000 Bonus) Overwatch Coins - Limited Time! é uma DLC que funciona nestes jogos


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