SMITE 2 Ultimate Founder’s Edition The Fallen Zeus

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data de lançamento : 30/12/9998
  • Multi-player Online Battle Arena

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The Ultimate Founder's Edition is the Ultimate SMITE experience, with even more divine content, including the all new Tier 5 Cross-Gen The Fallen Zeus Skin. Unleash the power of Zeus like never before as you transform and transcend with SMITE 2’s first ever T5 Skin.
Purchase the Ultimate Founder’s Edition to receive the Cross-Gen The Fallen Zeus Skin and Ultimate Cosmetics instantly in SMITE 1 and upon release in SMITE 2!
You’ll unlock:
- Tier 5 Cross-Gen The Fallen Zeus Skin
- Cross-Gen SMITE 2 The Fallen Avatar*
- Cross-Gen SMIITER Title

*Avatars from SMITE will appear as Badges in SMITE 2.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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