Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar Pack

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Data de lançamento : 13/08/2019
  • Strategy
  • 0.01 Go

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We're very proud to be partnering with the Take This charity and their ambassador Amy T. Falcone with the release of Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar! The net proceeds of all Vizier sales through August 27th will be donated to Take This. It will be used to help fund AFK rooms and fight the stigma against mental health challenges at future PAX events!

Familiars are NPCs that you can assign to certain tasks, such as leveling up Champions, clicking the monsters, or using ultimates. Depending on the assigned task, a Familiar will click a certain number of times per second/minute.

In this pack:

Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar
4 Epic Potions of Speed
4 Epic Potions of Giant's Strength
4 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance
1 Potion of Polish

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar Pack é uma DLC que funciona nestes jogos


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