Enlisted - "Battle of Moscow": MG 30 Squad

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Дата выхода : 08/04/2021
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

Посмотреть цены на Enlisted - "Battle of Moscow": MG 30 Squad

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This pack includes:

- A premium squad of the 478th Infantry Regiment in the 258th Infantry Division for the Wehrmacht forces in the Moscow campaign;
- MG 30 machine gun (available for this squad only).

When purchasing this pack, you will acquire a premium squad of the 478th Infantry Regiment in the 5th Infantry Division for the Wehrmacht forces in the Moscow campaign. The squad consists of 4 soldiers of the "Gunner" class, equipped with MG 30 machine guns, a unique weapon, that is available for this squad only.

The premium weapons have maximum level and soldiers have rank 4 with all 4 perks unlocked and 4 bonus retraining points. Premium squads receive + 100% experience gain in battles for soldiers and campaign level. These bonuses are cumulative with Premium Account.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Enlisted - "Battle of Moscow": MG 30 Squad это DLC требует


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