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Gear up for Overwatch 2 with the Watchpoint Pack!
The pack includes the following Overwatch 2 in-game content: Season Two Premium Battle Pass, 7 Legendary skins (including 2 all-new Space Raider skins), 5 Epic skins, 2,000 Overwatch Coins and instant access to all 32 Overwatch 1 Heroes as well as the new Tank hero Ramattra.*
With the Season Two Premium Battle Pass you can unlock over 80 Tiers of rewards including Mythic Zeus Junker Queen, Legendary Poseidon Ramattra, and more. In addition, as a Season Two Premium Battle Pass owner you will automatically receive access to Overwatch’s latest hero, Ramattra!*
A mobile phone number must be linked to your Battle.net Account to play Overwatch.
*Instant Access to the Season Two Battle Pass subject to logging in to Overwatch 2 during Season Two. Provides the Season Two Battle Pass and will not award access to heroes, Battle Passes or seasonal/live content introduced after Season Two.
Включает в себя Overwatch® 2: Watchpoint Pack