Roadblock Tragic Monster Set

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Дата выхода : 14/07/2023
  • Action & Adventure, Shooter
  • 0.01 Go

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This set includes five cosmetic items for the Tank-type exosuit Roadblock -- known for protecting its allies from disaster with its massive shield. Transform into a horrifying monster and unleash your wrath on enemies and opponents alike! Equip these cosmetic items and command everyone's attention in Leviathan's wargames!

Contains the following content:

- Roadblock Tragic Monster Set
Tragic Monster exosuit skin for Roadblock
Panda decal
Big Show emote
Wait a second! stamp
Spider charm

Note: Items included in this set may also be available for purchase individually or as part of other sets. Please be careful of duplicate purchases.
Skins, decals, and charms are cosmetic items that change the appearance of an exosuit and have no other effect.
Emotes and stamps are items that can be used to customize the in-game Comm Wheel.
Obtained additional contents can be used by going from the title screen to the in-game home screen.

Note: This DLC is only playable on the Microsoft account that purchases it. Even if you are the organizer of a family group, family member accounts will not receive it.

(Source :

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