Rogue Company: Starter Founder's Pack

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Дата выхода : 20/07/2020

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The mission starts now!

The Rogue Company Starter Founder's Pack includes two extra Rogues, and four cosmetic items to make sure you’re carrying out the mission in style. There’s no better way to gear up for battle and go Rogue!

This Bundle includes:

Rare Speed Demon Ronin Outfit
Epic Solar Flare Weapon Wrap
Epic Superstar Dance Emote
Rare Founder Spray
Two Extra Playable Rogues: Phantom and Chaac

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

Спидок DLC для игры

В этом бандле

Включает в себя Rogue Company: Starter Founder's Pack


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