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Summerset available June 5, 2018.
Pre-purchase your upgrade to receive the Queen's Bounty Pack. Plus immediately get the Nightmare Senche Mount and a bonus copy of the Morrowind Chapter for a limited time. Journey to the home of the High Elves in The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, the newest chapter of ESO. Experience an epic story in an all-new zone, unlock a new skill line of abilities, and save the world from destruction.
• JOURNEY TO SUMMERSET – Explore a stunning new zone: the home of the High Elves. Traverse lush, vibrant forests, tropical lagoons, ancient coral caves, and more.
• CONTINUE YOUR ADVENTURE – Rejoin old friends, forge new alliances, and unravel a dark conspiracy that threatens the world’s existence.
• JOIN THE PSIJIC ORDER – Travel to the island of Artaeum, seek the aid of this mysterious group of mages, and unlock a new skill line of powerful abilities.
• EXPANDED CRAFTING SYSTEM – Forge potent new gear with Jewelry Crafting and bolster your power.
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Включает в себя The Elder Scrolls® Online: Summerset Upgrade - Prepurchase