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  • Дата выхода : 19/06/2018
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This pack includes:

Tank Magach 3 (Rank 5 USA);
Premium account for 15 days;
2000 Golden Eagles.

The Magach 3 is an Israeli modifications of the American M48 tank. This tank introduced several major improvements over the previous versions of Magach, including the replacement of the 90mm with the 105mm cannon, an improved diesel engine and transmission as well as a low-profile commanders cupola. The initial cupola was big enough to be a target of its own, so Israeli engineers decided to replace it with a low-profile one, which reduced the overall height of the vehicle slightly and eliminated a major weakspot in the armor. A more conventional Continental diesel engine along with a new Allison transmission were introduced to increase the power output of the tank to a very respectable 750 horsepower.

All premium vehicles allow you to earn increased Research Points and Silver Lions for each battle and comes furnished with all available modifications.

With a Premium account (also purchasable in the game for Golden Eagles) you will earn more Research Points and Silver Lions during each battle for a set amount of days. This is cumulative with bonuses from premium vehicles!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

War Thunder - Magach 3 это DLC требует


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