World of Tanks - 30 Private War Chests

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Дата выхода : 23/10/2018
  • Shooter

Посмотреть цены на World of Tanks - 30 Private War Chests

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War Chests contain affordable collections of awesome in-game content that can boost your progress, enhance your gameplay, and give you extra fire on the battlefield!

War Chests contain a random selection of in game items. The current list of contents can be found at: https://modernarmor.worldoftanks.com/cms/news/war-chests/

Every War Chest contains groups of items that are at least the same value as the cost of the Chest, and there's a strong chance of getting even more than what you paid for!

NOTE: Premium tanks in War Chests come with one Garage Slot.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

World of Tanks - 30 Private War Chests это DLC требует


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