World of Warships: Legends—One Year Strong!

  1. Games
  • Games
  • Дата выхода : 23/04/2020

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World of Warships: Legends is One Year Strong! Set off some fireworks with Boise's 15-gun broadside and a unique permanent camouflage!

Only available until May 25!

Comes with:
- Tier 6 cruiser Boise
- Boise One Year Strong permanent camouflage
- 1 day of Premium Account
- 10x Black Friday camouflages
- 10x Halloween camouflages
- 10x Santa in Red camouflages
- 10x Santa in Blue camouflages
- 10x Hunter camouflages
- 10x Victory camouflages
- 37,000 Commander XP

If you already have Boise, you'll receive compensation in the form of 15,000 doubloons.
Content such as boosters, Commander XP, camouflages, etc., is only visible upon reaching a specific account level in the game.

(Source :

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