Planet Cube: Edge

Planet Cube: Edge

FirestokePlatformoweAkcja i przygodaStrzelanki
Zoptymalizowano pod kątem konsol Xbox Series X|S
Zoptymalizowano pod kątem konsol Xbox Series X|S
Inteligentne pobieranie
Inteligentne pobieranie
13 obsługiwane języki
Zoptymalizowano pod kątem konsol Xbox Series X|S
Zoptymalizowano pod kątem konsol Xbox Series X|S
Inteligentne pobieranie
Inteligentne pobieranie
13 obsługiwane języki
7 lat lub więcej
Doza przemocy


Planet Cube is being invaded by a mysterious aggressor, and its populace are not ready for a fight. While most cubes run to the nearest exit, one square-headed lab technician named Edge finds it in himself to save the world. Of course, he'll have a little help from co-workers and the illustrious Dr Quadratus, as well as some experimental weapons... But why is the planet being invaded? Who is the invading force? The answers will become clear as our hero makes his way through an underwater science complex with danger at every turn! - Gameplay - Run, gun, jump and dash through an underwater science complex, collecting fire-power to turn the tables on mysterious aggressors. This is high-speed, high-skill platforming action, where quick responses and unlimited respawns will see you battle through hordes of invading enemies, dodging hazards and avoiding traps in a bid to save this world. Set across eight, beautifully hand-crafted pixel art levels, and filled with quirky and memorable characters, Planet Cube: Edge is a fun, run and gun platformer filled with challenge and replayability. - Graphics - A pixel-art lover's dream, this two-tone underwater side of the Planet Cube has been crafted with meticulous care. From the distant seascapes of the ocean floor, to smallest details of the science facility, every pixel has been placed with the utmost attention to detail. This is a world of expressive and characterful cubes, invaded by a race of highly imaginative enemies with an arsenal that ranges from crusher-tanks to massive mechanical crabs. But more than just pixels, prepare for fluid animations with a cinematic heart, where the gravitas of the story is skillfully offset with a light-hearted delivery, bringing smiles and feel-good moments at every step in the adventure.

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Opracowane przez

Sunna Entertainment

Data wydania


Można grać na

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Tryb dla jednego gracza
  • 60 kl./s i więcej
  • Gra zoptymalizowana na konsolę Xbox Series X|S
  • Inteligentne dostarczanie
  • Osiągnięcia w usłudze Xbox
  • Zapisy stanu gry w chmurze w usłudze Xbox
  • Xbox Live