Bless Unleashed: 90 Days Valor Perks

  1. Games
  • Consumable
  • Çıkış tarihi : 26/02/2020
  • Role Playing

Bütün fiyatlar Bless Unleashed: 90 Days Valor Perks

Bu oyun 96h saatten önce güncellenmedi. Bir fiyat güncellenmesi yapılmaktadır.
Mağaza Fiyat İndirim Dönüştür Bağlantı


For 90 days, enjoy the following Valor Perks:

Daily Login of 50 Bonus Lumena
10% Bonus XP from Combat
10% Bonus Gold from Combat
25% Telepost Cost Reduction
25% Soul Pyre HP Recovery Increase
25% Gathering Speed Increase
Receive 1 additional Sealed Chest Key to use for each day (each of these keys expires at the end of the day if unused)

Valor Perks will activate upon first login after purchase.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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