DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Ultimate Edition Bonus

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Çıkış tarihi : 24/05/2024
  • Action & Adventure, Fighting
  • 0.01 Go

Bütün fiyatlar DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Ultimate Edition Bonus

Bu oyun 96h saatten önce güncellenmedi. Bir fiyat güncellenmesi yapılmaktadır.
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DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Ultimate Edition Bonus allows you to summon Super Shenron in-game to grant wishes for items such as zeni or to unlock playable characters.

*You can summon Super Shenron regardless of the number of Super Dragon Balls you own at the time of use.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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