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Küçük bir komisyon alacağım,ve bu server vb. ücretleri ödememe yardımcı olacaktır.
Bu bana çok yardımcı olacaktır, ve satın alırken herhangi ekstra bir ücret yansımamaktadır. Teşekkürler !
Pre-order and receive these bonuses:
・Bonus Weapon (Black Dragon Fang)
【Early Purchase Bonus】
Purchase before March 12, 2018 and receive 7 bonus costumes.
Experience the thrill of one versus thousands in an all new open world setting with DYNASTY WARRIORS 9, the latest installment in the series!
Ancient China is depicted on a single, vast, open-world map. Also, while maintaining the series' intuitive controls, we have included a new Musou Action system where you can experience the thrill of "one versus thousands" like never before on an ever-changing battlefield. In addition, the captivating lives of our eclectic cast of officers intermingle in an expansive "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" world that will allow you to feel completely immersed in the tides of history with our latest DYNASTY WARRIORS title!
İçindeki DLC listesi DYNASTY WARRIORS 9: Digital Pre-order
Bu öğeleri barındırıyor DYNASTY WARRIORS 9: Digital Pre-order