Dragon Age: Origins - The Lion's Paw

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Çıkış tarihi : 16/10/2009
  • Role Playing
  • 0.01 Go

Bütün fiyatlar Dragon Age: Origins - The Lion's Paw

Bu oyun 96h saatten önce güncellenmedi. Bir fiyat güncellenmesi yapılmaktadır.
Mağaza Fiyat İndirim Dönüştür Bağlantı


Lady Rosamund, an infamous outlaw of the Korcari Wilds, wore these regal boots. Through clever ambushes and surprising tactics, she spent decades preying on merchants and eluding the king's guards until one day she simply disappeared. Some still brave the Wilds in search of her hidden hoard of treasure.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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