Prey®: Mooncrash (Add-On)

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Çıkış tarihi : 11/06/2018
  • Action & Adventure
  • 15.30 Go

Bütün fiyatlar Prey®: Mooncrash (Add-On)

Bu oyun 96h saatten önce güncellenmedi. Bir fiyat güncellenmesi yapılmaktadır.
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Fight overwhelming odds to escape a secret TranStar moon base where the enemies you encounter, the hazards you face, the goals you complete, and the loot you collect are different each time you play. With changing environments as dangerous as they are dynamic, the Mooncrash campaign for Prey will offer a fun, infinitely replayable challenge to test even the most skilled players.

Requires the Prey full game.

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

İçindeki DLC listesi Prey®: Mooncrash (Add-On)

Prey®: Mooncrash (Add-On) DLC bu oyunlarla birlikte çalışır.

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