1. Games
  • Games
  • Çıkış tarihi : 15/12/2022
  • Action & Adventure, Role Playing
  • 4.88 Go

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Bütün fiyatlar River City Girls 2

Bu oyun 96h saatten önce güncellenmedi. Bir fiyat güncellenmesi yapılmaktadır.

Fiyat Geçmişi

Fiyat (EUR)
Jan 2023
Jul 2023
Jan 2024
Jul 2024
Jan 2025


The River City Girls are ready for round 2! When an old foe returns for revenge, Misako, Kyoko, Kunio, and Riki - joined by newcomers Marian and Provie - hit the streets for an all-new beat-'em-up adventure packed with new abilities, enemies, allies, locations, and more! Team up for local or online co-op, then pound punks into the dirt with brand-new guard-crush attacks, lift-off combos, elemental status effects, and other knuckle-busting techniques! Level-up to earn new moves, buy items and accessories in more than 40 shops, and recruit defeated foes and hired heavies to help you on your way! River City is bigger than ever, offering more areas to explore, more objects to destroy, and a day-night cycle! With nonlinear gameplay, character-specific VO, and another epic soundtrack by Megan McDuffee, River City Girls 2 will keep you brawling until all your enemies yell "BARF!"

Key Features:
• Six playable characters, each with their own fighting styles and upgradable move sets!
• Enhanced combat: guard crushes, lift-off combos, elemental attacks, and more!
• River City is bigger than ever! New locations with multiple routes and secret areas!
• Play solo or team up with a friend, locally or online
• New "hired heavies" aid you in battle! Have two recruits at once!
• Loads of NPCs to meet, interact with, and punch in the face - including surprise cameos!
• Awesome anime intro, comic book cutscenes, English and Japanese voiceovers, and a spectacular soundtrack featuring RCG1 composer Megan McDuffee!

(Source : http://microsoft.com)

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