Righteous Season Pack

Righteous Season Pack

NetEaseAzione e avventuraCombattimentoArena per combattimenti online multiplayerAltro
Richiede un gioco
Richiede un gioco
Contenuto rivolto a persone di almeno 12 anni
Violenza moderata

Interazione tra utenti, Acquisti in-game (include elementi casuali)

Questo contenuto richiede un gioco (venduto separatamente).


Purchase to get the following rewards: 1. Righteous Season Pack Exclusive Hadi Epic Head Accessory - The Helm 2. Advanced Hidden Treasure Card: Use to unlock the Advanced Hidden Treasure of the current season 3. Baize's Blessing: Can collect rewards from Baize's Blessing for 30 days. 4. Gold*600 5. Peerless Treasure Choice Gift*10 Purchase to get the following privileges (privileges already unlocked cannot be reacquired) Privilege Overview: · Ranked Mode can be unlocked at Lv.20 · Public Chat can be unlocked at Lv.5 · Hero Coins can be redeemed without an amount limit · Can create Custom Rooms

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Riproducibile su

  • PC
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S