The Game of Life 2 - Sandy Shores World

Marmalade Game Studios카드 및 보드클래식가족 및 어린이시뮬레이션
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이 콘텐츠에는 게임이 필요합니다(별도 판매).


Watch the difficult decisions melt away in the Sandy Shores world! Experience a land of forever sunshine, where the blue skies and golden coastline never ends. Ride the waves as a Surf Instructor, or dive beneath them as a Marine Biologist. Enjoy the resorts solo, or meet your one true love and have a beach wedding. Commit to the lifestyle and invest in a beach house or a boat! It’s a life-long escape and the choices are all yours! Join your friends and family and explore life on a forever holiday!


Marmalade Game Studios


Marmalade Game Studios

출시 날짜

2022. 12. 1.

다음 사용자와 플레이

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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