AEW: Fight Forever - Swerve to the Beach

  1. Games
  • AddOns
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 14/02/2024
  • Sports
  • 0.01 Go

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Leader of the Mogul Embassy Swerve Strickland joins the AEW: Fight Forever roster! Swerve kicks off Season 3 along with the brand new day to evening beach base map PLUS two new attire customization options.

This content is part of Season Pass 3 which includes:
3 more talents added to the roster, new day and evening beach maps, 33 brand new moves, 42 new skin + attire options, and 11 new music tracks.

(Source :

AEW: Fight Forever - Swerve to the Beach ist ein DLC das mit diesen Spielen funktioniert

Bundles die dieses item enthalten

AEW: Fight Forever - Swerve to the Beach ist in diesen Bundles verfügbar


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