1. Games
  • Games
  • Erscheinungsdatum : 09/04/2020
  • Sports
  • 26.98 Go

Preis von AFL Evolution 2 ansehen

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AFL Evolution 2 is taking AFL gaming to new heights with more features than ever before!

All New Gameplay - Tight controls and smart AI help create a true reflection of the modern AFL game.
Bigger Career - Pursue your goals with greater depth, now with improved draft, free agency and state leagues running simultaneously with the AFL!
More Customisation Options - Now includes Guernsey Creator along with Player and Team Management in the FanHub to create and share* your own dream team!
Enhanced Online* - Play head to head to make it to the top of the online leaderboard, or team up with your mates with connections of up to 8 consoles!
Commentary - Brand new commentary featuring Anthony Hudson and Garry Lyon.

*Requires internet connection

(Source : http://microsoft.com)


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